Multiple Intelligence Assessment Student

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Multiple Intelligence Assessment Student

With the help of Multiple Intelligence Analysis and interest level tests, we work along with the person to touch his victory.

Every person is unique; hence the approach for success too.

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner, Professor of Education at Harvard University. It suggests that the normal I.Q. testing doesn’t cater to the vast array of intelligences that every person possesses. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes nine different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults.

Benefits of wiceberg assesments:
  • Students are happily guided thru learning in their own interesting methods; no more compelling, by hearting, or impositions. Learning happens as natural process when it is in the unique method every child is seeking for.
  • It helps parents to get understanding on best learning methods and talents of their children; rather than being in dilemma or forcing to for general trends.